Are you looking for somewhere to take your family on a fun outing? Look no further than Hit-Em Here! Our family fun center in Battle Creek, MI provides an arcade and a variety of sports activities for anyone to enjoy. We treat all of our customers like family, offering an exciting, welcoming atmosphere for everyone who visits.
Stop by our facility today to try out our games.
If you're organizing an event, you should consider us as your party venue, as we provide everything needed to help set up your event and make sure your guests have a great time. Whether you're visiting as part of an event or just a simple outing with friends or family, you can come to us to enjoy:
Mini-golf courses
A driving range
Baseball and softball batting cages
A family-friendly arcade
Indoor golf simulators
A snack bar
Reach out to us to learn more about the exciting activities we have available.
We're dedicated to creating a fun environment for those of all ages. You should visit us for mini-golf courses and more because:
We've been around for over 40 years
We're family-owned and -operated
We provide outstanding customer service
Are you ready to have a great time? Come to our family fun center today to make lasting memories!
1790 E Columbia Ave
Battle Creek, MI 49014
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