Discover Endless Fun

Check out our family-friendly arcade in Battle Creek, MI

Step into a world of fun and excitement by visiting Hit-Em Here. Our family-friendly arcade in Battle Creek, MI offers a variety of entertainment options, including nostalgic old-school arcade games alongside some modern favorites. When you're looking for a memorable outing with friends or family, you can come to us and enjoy our extensive arcade experience.

Stop by our family fun center today to play in our family-friendly arcade.

Baseball and softball batting cages: We have four cages that are operated with quarters. Equipment can be provided, or guests can bring their own gear.

A white check mark in a black circle on a white background.

Visit us now to try out our simulator games.

Get ready for a new level of fun

One of the main attractions of our arcade is our collection of simulator games! Our family fun center features...

A full-swing golf simulator: Offers a realistic golfing experience with swing feedback.

A white check mark in a black circle on a white background.

A flight simulator: Designed for learning how to fly remote control planes and drones.

A white check mark in a black circle on a white background.

A shooting simulator: You'll use a fake gun to shoot at large game on a screen.

A white check mark in a black circle on a white background.
A man is playing golf in a simulator while holding a golf club.
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